Rapila 1.0.1 released

29.12.2012, Raphael Schweikert

We’re proud to announce the immediate availability of rapila 1.0.1.

This is mainly a bugfix and maintenance release for rapila 1.0.0. If you’re on rapila 1.0.0, upgrading to 1.0.1 is highly recommended. There are no database changes in bugfix releases so the upgrade process should be as simple as switching the base folder and clearing caches.

As always, the release is available as a download or as a tag on GitHub (full or base-only).

Notable changes

The biggest visible change is the support of SVG images in both documents and static files (via Resource-Includer). Templates using writeDirectInclude=image.svg should now find SVGs in the images resource directory.

Commits since rapila 1.0.0

Schlagwörter: Release

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